Feature Snippet

Description: A Featured Snippet is a highlighted search result that appears at the top of Google's search results page. It provides a concise answer to the user's query extracted from a relevant webpage.

API Response Structure:

  "title": "What is a Featured Snippet?",
  "description": "A Featured Snippet is a summary of an answer to a user's query...",
  "link": {
    "url": "https://example.com/featured-snippet",
    "visibleText": "Example.com › featured-snippet",
    "htmlJump": false
  "hasImage": true,
  "hasImageSlider": false,
  "imageType": "right-image",
  "video": {
    "moment": "2:30",
    "duration": "5:45",
    "link": {
      "url": "https://example.com/video",
      "visibleText": "Watch video"
    "hasImage": true
  "table": {
    "header": "Column Names",
    "rows": ["Row 1", "Row 2"],
    "hasMoreRowsLink": true
  "subType": "paragraph",
  "date": "2023-0815",
  "type": "featuredSnippet"


  • title (string): The title of the featured snippet

  • description (string): A brief description or answer to the query

  • link (object): Contains URL and display information

    • url (string): The source webpage URL

    • visibleText (string): Display text for the link

    • htmlJump (boolean): Indicates if the link contains HTML anchors

  • hasImage (boolean): Indicates if the snippet contains an image

  • hasImageSlider (boolean): Indicates if there's an image carousel

  • imageType (string): Type of image display ("right-image" or "top-images")

  • video (object, optional): Video information if present

    • moment (string): Timestamp in video

    • duration (string): Total video length

    • link (object): Video URL information

    • hasImage (boolean): If video has thumbnail

  • table (object, optional): Table information if present

    • header (string): Table header

    • rows (array): Table content rows

    • hasMoreRowsLink (boolean): Indicates if table is truncated

  • subType (string): Type of content ("paragraph", "bulletList", "numberList", "table", "video")

  • date (string): Publication date

  • type (string): Always "featuredSnippet"